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8 Steps to Implementing a Great Mission Statement

By |July 3rd, 2020|Leadership, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

You’ve followed the suggestions provided on previous pages about developing a mission statement and are now ready to implement that mission. If you’ve used an inclusive process to develop the statement, your efforts will be rewarded in this implementation phase: you’ve demonstrated an understanding of the importance in the development of acceptance, commitment, and ownership. Now, in implementation, you can benefit from your efforts thus far… 1. Form an ad hoc committee. Select a working party representative of all groups in the organisation – management and staff. This team, established for the specific purpose of successfully implementing the new mission, will be disbanded after this intention has been realised. By being expansive about committee membership, you will give every group an opportunity to be involved in the implementation process. Make sure that each working party member wants to be involved and, therefore, is prepared to give the task the priority [...]

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6 Steps to Developing Leadership Qualities in Others

By |July 1st, 2020|Leadership, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

Even those people who support the disputed theory that leaders are ‘born’ to excel, admit that environment and training are usually needed to develop successful leaders. Effective leaders are a vital ingredient to business, sports, medical, research, military, and all other team-oriented activities. The important questions, of course, are: Where do leaders come from? How do we find them? How can we identify them? How can we make them? The answers relate to recognizing talent and then encouraging, cultivating, and mentoring those potential leaders so that they can flourish in your organization. Explore the following strategies to help you and your organization succeed in this process… 1. Consider what strategies you currently have in place in your organization. To gauge what is required in terms of a leadership development program in your organization, you will need to answer the following questions: • Does our company have a comprehensive plan [...]

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How to Bounce Back from a Personal Setback Stronger Than Ever

By |April 24th, 2020|Leadership, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

1. Know that we all react differently to setbacks. A setback is an incident that checks our progress and brings our momentum to a grinding and usually disappointing halt. Our self-esteem can deflate; our confidence and motivation hit rock bottom. People respond differently. Some fall apart; others get back to work immediately; some turn to drink, become depressive, withdrawn, angry, and non-productive, the setback affecting all areas of their lives for some time. One’s degree of maturity, particularly in terms of emotional intelligence, becomes a vital factor in successfully overcoming the personal impact of a major disappointment. 2. Work through the stages of emotional turmoil after a setback. In ‘Emotional Intelligence at Work’, US psychologist Hendrie Weisinger identifies seven sequential post-setback stages common to most people. He says that, following a setback, ‘you need to experience and manage each stage, successfully moving through each one. Failure to do so [...]

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11 Ways to Tackle Your Priorities

By |February 26th, 2020|Leadership, Online Short Courses, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, Resources, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Short Courses, Shortcourses, Soft Skills, Training, Uncategorized, Workshops|

Setting priorities is a decision-making process by which you rank in order of importance the tasks you or your staff members must do. By completing the tasks on your list in order, you will achieve your goals. It sounds easy - but it's not. In fact, priority-setting and sticking to the agreement you make with yourself will be major challenges for you as a manager. Here are several important suggestions to help you draw up a priority list - and make it work... 1. Address management problems first. Give top priority to any problem on your list that is making you ineffective as a manager. If, for example, you have a personal conflict with your superior or your personal assistant, your effectiveness in dealing with other priorities could be seriously hampered. Face such problems immediately; get them out in the open; and devise solutions quickly. 2. Group your priorities meaningfully. [...]

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How Training Benefits Employees

By |January 9th, 2020|Leadership, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills|

Although training sometimes seems like a large investment, the benefits your employees will experience should make it worth it. Training gives employees the opportunity to grow and develop their careers while providing businesses with efficient skills that keep them competitive. Here are 3 ways how training benefits employees Turnover and Recruitment Through multiple studies that have taken place in businesses throughout developed nations, it is inevitable that businesses and organisations that place training as a high priority, experience less staff turnover. Keeping staff on board is often the most difficult thing for businesses and it is an expensive process to hire and train new people for the job. Staff who are trained through work commit to their employers because: They are in a place where their career is valued and developed They are able to take on more responsibility and achieve higher-paid positions Work Flexibility Training increases the skills [...]

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