Global Training Institute | RTO No. 31192 | Call: 1800 998 500|

10 Steps Towards Becoming a Leader

By |February 26th, 2020|Leadership, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who are ‘born with it’. Although leadership relies on some inherited characteristics, it also depends on training and experience. Indeed, many of the traits and abilities that are the raw materials of leadership can be acquired. If you link those traits with an essential desire to achieve, nothing can keep you from becoming a leader. You may even become a great leader. This ten-point program will get you started… 1. Believe that you can become a leader. Leadership is a function; it is something that a person does, a set of skills – and any skill can be learned, strengthened, and enhanced. Not all leaders are ‘born leaders’; and leadership is certainly not just a group of personality traits. The leader lives within each of us. So acknowledge that leadership begins with your own belief in yourself. 2. Be sure you have [...]

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11 Ways to Tackle Your Priorities

By |February 26th, 2020|Leadership, Online Short Courses, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, Resources, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Short Courses, Shortcourses, Soft Skills, Training, Uncategorized, Workshops|

Setting priorities is a decision-making process by which you rank in order of importance the tasks you or your staff members must do. By completing the tasks on your list in order, you will achieve your goals. It sounds easy - but it's not. In fact, priority-setting and sticking to the agreement you make with yourself will be major challenges for you as a manager. Here are several important suggestions to help you draw up a priority list - and make it work... 1. Address management problems first. Give top priority to any problem on your list that is making you ineffective as a manager. If, for example, you have a personal conflict with your superior or your personal assistant, your effectiveness in dealing with other priorities could be seriously hampered. Face such problems immediately; get them out in the open; and devise solutions quickly. 2. Group your priorities meaningfully. [...]

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