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8 simple steps to gaining a Promotion

By |December 14th, 2020|Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

8 simple steps to gaining a promotion Getting promoted means going beyond the job description. You must build what management consultant Daniel Johnson has called ‘career equity’, in that way establishing your ‘professional net worth’. Career equity is achieved by developing, improving, and strengthening assets that will enhance your professional value in the management marketplace. Here are 8 simple steps to gaining a promotion that you can start implementing today... 1. Improve your knowledge and skills. To progress in your career, you need to assess your knowledge and skills to uncover any deficiencies. Work purposefully to remedy these weaknesses. Continue to learn. Participate in training and updating programs. Attend seminars and conferences to increase your knowledge, to inform yourself of new trends, and to meet influential people in your field. Read regularly the books and journals of your profession. Creative ideas can be nurtured only by broad, up-to-date knowledge. [...]

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11 Ways You Can Tackle Priorities

By |July 24th, 2020|Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Civil, Construction, Mining, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Soft Skills, Training|

1. Address management problems first. Give top priority to any problem on your list that is making you ineffective as a manager. If, for example, you have a personal conflict with your superior or your personal assistant, your effectiveness in dealing with other priorities could be seriously hampered. Face such problems immediately; get them out in the open; and devise solutions quickly. 2. Group your priorities meaningfully. It is sometimes possible to prioritise your daily goals and save time and effort. For example, by postponing an inspection of new equipment in the factory block across the parking lot until after lunch, you might find that you can do so after a scheduled mid-afternoon meeting with the factory supervisor. You may even be able to accomplish a couple more of your goals for the day during that one trip. Sensible planning brings its time-saving rewards. 3. Do it – [...]

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11 ways to Communicate Effectively at work

By |July 11th, 2020|Leadership, Online Short Courses, Qualifications, Qualifications Advanced Diploma, Qualifications Certificate IV, Qualifications Diploma, Resources, School of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander Leadership, School of Business, School of Corporate Governance, School of Leadership, School of Local Goverment, School of Management, School of Online, Distance, School of Project Managment, Schools, Short Courses, Shortcourses, Soft Skills, Target Markets, Target Markets, Training, Workshops|

The term ‘communication’ now includes many activities associated with everyday organisational life - oral, face-to-face, formal, informal, personal, interpersonal, nonverbal, and written - which is why so many organisational headaches are attributed to ‘communication problems’. Indeed, a common finding of organisational reviews is that ‘communication needs to be improved’. We spend so much time ‘communicating’, but so few of us give much thought to the essentials of this key management activity... 1. Always work to establish rapport. Without the trust and confidence of others with whom you are communicating, much of what you say will be lost. It is imperative, therefore, that you take time to establish and build rapport. Knowing your audience is a vital part of this process. 2. Attract the attention of your target audience. It’s not what you communicate but how you do it. People are being bombarded with information and have become very [...]

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